Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

[C104.Ebook] Ebook Download Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig

Ebook Download Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig

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Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig

Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig

Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig

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Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig

Aged 24, Matt Haig's world caved in. He could see no way to go on living. This is the true story of how he came through crisis, triumphed over an illness that almost destroyed him and learned to live again. A moving, funny and joyous exploration of how to live better, love better and feel more alive, Reasons to Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on earth.

  • Sales Rank: #38408 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.01" h x .68" w x 5.08" l, .26 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

55 of 57 people found the following review helpful.
A celebration of life, books, words, and humanity.
By Stefani Sloma
Have you ever had a book that you were simultaneously unable to wait for and very scared of reading? That was Matt Haig’s Reasons to Stay Alive [Matt is the author of The Humans, which you should ALL know by now that I LOVE]. I’m sure you can tell from the title a little of what it’s about, and you may or may not have been able to guess why I was nervous to read it. I am depressed. I have depression. I am a depressive. Do you know how terrified I am to say that? Petrified. But I’m going to say it because it will make it that much more clear why I needed and appreciated this book. From the very moment I heard about it, I needed it.

I read this entire book in roughly 4.5 hours. I devoured it. I also cried more than I have probably EVER cried while reading a book. But I also smiled. Maybe not a lot, but it happened. The synopsis says “It’s also an upbeat, joyous and very funny exploration of how to live better, love better, read better and feel more.” I was pleased to find that to be very true. I felt a lot reading this book. I like that Matt mentioned that not everyone’s depression is the same, that you can be both happy and sad at the same time (“just as you can be a sober alcoholic”), and how most people will not be able to see it:

"To other people, it sometimes seems like nothing at all. You are walking around with your head on fire and no one can see the flames."

My heart pounded so HARD in my chest practically the entire time I was reading, just as it is beating hard just writing this all down.

Matt said at one point he hoped someone else would read his words and that maybe the pain he felt wasn’t for nothing. I know it wasn’t for nothing, but THANK YOU, Matt, for writing this book, for being brave and open and honest, for showing me I wasn’t alone no matter what the depression told me, for telling me that life will wait for me, for The Humans, for all of your words, for being alive.

Let’s get down to the bottom line, shall we? Read this book. Read this book because you have emotions and hopes and feelings. Read this book because you are human and because you are alive. Read this book to live. Reasons to Stay Alive is a celebration of life, books, words, and humanity.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
I don’t normally like to read books about depression and Mental Illness
By James Randall Chumbley
I don’t normally like to read books about depression and Mental Illness, but I started reading a book, “Reasons to Stay Alive” by Matt Haig. I read the first few chapters last night while on the treadmill at the gym. I recently found it online at the TWLOHA web site at a time I was desperate for something to hold on to and I was slipping backwards—fast.

Mr. Haig, writing from his own personal experience, does have what I would call a very human and clear approach to the subject of wanting to die, as it is compassionate and easy to read and because of that I gave him five stars. I’m not sure I will finish reading it only because it’s like seeing too clearly into my own mind and just too close to home, but I can see how it could help others. I gave it to my sister in hopes it will help her. She reads a lot of self-help books and suffers, as I do, from depression and suicidal ideations plus other mental issues which our family has a history of, as does Mr. Haig’s. I know my sisters and mine were greatly exasperated by the violence of our childhoods and the suicide of our father.

Mr. Haig expresses what I’ve always said, and I’m sure what others like me (and he felt at the time he was going thought a horrid ordeal of fighting the urge to end his life) feel and know to be true: You can’t see depression and it’s not something that can be cut out of our bodies as if it was a tumor so people who are fortunate not to suffer don’t and can’t—get what it’s like. If it could be cut out of me, I would do it without anesthesia. The pain would not even compare to what I live with everyday. All I can say is besides the obvious of seeking medical help and talking to your family and friends—it’s paramount they have some idea of what you are going thought: Hold on to see what tomorrow brings or what you can bring to tomorrow. We have to fight this together. So many of us that suffer may be strangers, but we have an unwanted and unwelcomed kinship. We have to be there for each other and not suffer in silence or alone.

James-Randall Chumbley

62 of 65 people found the following review helpful.
From the viewpoint of a 'depressive'
By Straightforward
I enjoyed reading Matt's book on his experience of going through depression; it's part autobiography, part self-help manual - there is very much a sense of the author putting things back in place, mapping out the topography of his own mind and discovering a place where he can comfortably be himself. By putting it all down on paper, he is exorcising the demons in the darkness by exposing them to the light of public examination.

As someone who has also been through the experience of depression for many years and has also arrived at incredibly similar conclusions after coming out the other side, I recognise completely the numb, bleak, monochromatic existence that he describes; the endless days ahead, the wasted days behind. The inability to realise that you have an impact on others, that you even matter. That anything matters.

But it was this that made the 'depression years' in the book seem almost as turgid and endless as going through the experience again for real; by the 80th page, I really was feeling bleak; I started to recognise that familiar 'me me me' narrative that so bored me about myself when I was depressed and talking about it with friends, and reading the book itself almost became like a microcosm of battling with depression itself: were things really going to get better? Would I really start enjoying this book before it was too late? What was wrong with me for not feeling the same joyous giddiness that all the celebs on the covers evidenced in their soundbite quotes? Was I hateful for writing a less-than-glowing review of Matt's very personal and revealing book, risking hurting his feelings for my own subjective self-satisfaction?

Even though this opening part of the book was bleak and uncomfortable to read, I accepted it for what it was and struggled through, adopting the maxim that sometimes, just keeping going is a victory for positivity. There were times when I came close to ending it all and closing the book for good, but - without checking the exact page count - I think the sun finally started to come out after 100 pages. That was too much for me as a depressive to get much out of - it was a hard read; it seemed to be there to function as a 'window into the nightmare' for those who haven't experienced it. They might find it useful, but although cases of depression seem to have similar themes and motifs, they vary in context as much as the sufferers themselves are unique individuals.

After that, when the book deals with where his head's at now, it gets easier. But these are things I wanted more detail on - there are lots of lists, and very very short chapters all through this book, which make it easier to pick up and get into - but they also make the reading experience frustratingly insubstantial at times. Maybe there's something to this book leading the advance against the taboo of depression and suicide - if that's the case, then I hope it performs the function of getting it out into the public arena once and for all.

There were times, when reading, that I felt that pang of wonder and dread that comes when you know exactly what the next sentence is going to be - and there are times when that same sensation of knowing felt like something jaded and predictable; similarly, there were times when I felt the tone of the narrative to be a gentle one, speaking great truths, but it also felt at later times like I was a bed-bound patient being ministered by someone with the bedside manner of Alan Titchmarsh; oozing soothingness and calm to a poor ill person.

Life has brought me to the same conclusions as Matt, though; that's a sign we're both going the right way.

A very thought-provoking read that isn't the magical work of profundity that the publishers seem to want to market it as - that's far too much expectation to have for what is essentially a very humble enterprise; that of an author working through what happened to him in the most natural way possible for him - via his pen. It is a work of kindness, and of good intention; it is a work of reason, and a testament to the powers of the mind; but I feel that it's being hyped into something that the author never intended it to be.

This book is useful for those who wish to get an idea of what it feels like to go through depression. It would also be useful to someone in the middle of a depressive episode, I suppose. Personally I was both pleased and disappointed by this book - pleased that we had arrived at almost exactly the same perspective on life, but disappointed that I could therefore only confirm my existing beliefs rather than challenge them and learn something new.

Finally, my views on happiness, how to find it, and how to keep it (as Matt finishes in the same way himself):

1) All that exists is the moment of 'now'. Everything else - the past and the future - is in your head. Leave the past behind you; it has gone. By being positive in the present moment, you are sowing seeds of good possibilities for the future; there is no need to dwell modbidly on what is yet to happen.

2) Being kind to others, and having your actions affect others in a positive way will make all parties a lot happier.

3) Diversity of choice produces stress, not happiness. Keep it simple.

4) Don't let your mind tell you downers. When you catch yourself having miserable thoughts, take positive action be reinforcing the upbeat, truthful alternative - even if you don't feel like you are.

5) Your mind can be trained like a dog. A repeated action becomes a habit after three weeks or so. Acquire positive habits, drop the negative ones.

6) Don't judge. It's not as simple as 'succeed' or 'fail'. Just accept and be open to what is.

7) Exercise makes the body happy


9) Your good mood deserves protection - it is fragile and valuable. Your good mood is stronger than the bad mood of others.

10) You can always do better tomorrow.

11) People feel happier if they have a purpose.

12) Everyone's life is different. Everyone comes to terms with their life in their own way.

Ultimately I'm a bit disappointed by this book, but I totally recognise the story; I liked it without getting as excited as everyone else seems to be doing.

See all 130 customer reviews...

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Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig PDF

Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig PDF
Reasons to Stay Alive, by Matt Haig PDF

[G552.Ebook] Free PDF MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno

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MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno

MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno

MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno

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MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno

This book is unique in presenting channels, techniques and standards for the next generation of MIMO wireless networks. Through a unified framework, it emphasizes how propagation mechanisms impact the system performance under realistic power constraints. Combining a solid mathematical analysis with a physical and intuitive approach to space-time signal processing, the book progressively derives innovative designs for space-time coding and precoding as well as multi-user and multi-cell techniques, taking into consideration that MIMO channels are often far from ideal. Reflecting developments since the first edition was published, this book has been thoroughly revised, and now includes new sections and five new chapters, respectively dealing with receiver design, multi-user MIMO, multi-cell MIMO, MIMO implementation in standards, and MIMO system-level evaluation.

  • Extended introduction to multi-dimensional propagation, including polarization aspects
  • Detailed and comparative description of physical models and analytical representations of single- and multi-link MIMO channels, covering the latest standardized models
  • Thorough overview of space-time coding techniques, covering both classical and more recent schemes under information theory and error probability perspectives
  • Intuitive illustration of how real-world propagation affects the capacity and the error performance of MIMO transmission schemes
  • Detailed information theoretic analysis of multiple access, broadcast and interference channels
  • In-depth presentation of multi-user diversity, resource allocation and (non-)linear MU-MIMO precoding techniques with perfect and imperfect channel knowledge
  • Extensive coverage of cooperative multi-cell MIMO-OFDMA networks, including network resource allocation optimization, coordinated scheduling, beamforming and power control, interference alignment, joint processing, massive and network MIMO
  • Applications of MIMO and Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) in LTE, LTE-A and WiMAX
  • Theoretical derivations and results contrasted with practical system level evaluations highlighting the performance of single- and multi-cell MIMO techniques in realistic deployments

  • Sales Rank: #1555507 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Academic Press
  • Published on: 2013-02-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.63" w x 7.52" l, 3.30 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 776 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From the Back Cover

This book is unique in presenting channels, techniques and standards for the next generation of MIMO wireless networks. Through a unified framework, it emphasizes how propagation mechanisms impact the system performance under realistic power constraints. Combining a solid mathematical analysis with a physical and intuitive approach to space-time signal processing, the book progressively derives innovative designs for space-time coding and precoding as well as multi-user and multi-cell techniques, taking into consideration that MIMO channels are often far from ideal. Reflecting developments since the first edition was published, this book has been thoroughly revised, and now includes new sections and five new chapters, respectively dealing with receiver design, multi-user MIMO, multi-cell MIMO, MIMO implementation in standards, and MIMO system-level evaluation.

Features include: • Extended introduction to multi-dimensional propagation, including polarization aspects.

• Detailed and comparative description of physical models and analytical representations of single- and multi-link MIMO channels, covering the latest standardized models

• Thorough overview of space-time coding techniques, covering both classical and more recent schemes under information theory and error probability perspectives

• Intuitive illustration of how real-world propagation affects the capacity and the error performance of MIMO transmission schemes

•Detailed information theoretic analysis of multiple access, broadcast and interference channels

•In-depth presentation of multi-user diversity, resource allocation and (non-)linear MU-MIMO precoding techniques with perfect and imperfect channel knowledge

• Extensive coverage of cooperative multi-cell MIMO-OFDMA networks, including network resource allocation optimization, coordinated scheduling, beamforming and power control, interference alignment, joint processing, massive and network MIMO

• Applications of MIMO and Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) in LTE, LTE-A and WiMAX

• Theoretical derivations and results contrasted with practical system level evaluations highlighting the performance of single- and multi-cell MIMO techniques in realistic deployments

About the Author
Bruno Clerckx is Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at Imperial College London. He held research or visiting positions at Université catholique de Louvain, Stanford University, EURECOM and Samsung Electronics. His research interests cover wireless communications. He is the author of books, numerous scientific papers, standard contributions (3GPPLTE/LTE-A and IEEE802.16m) and patents.

Claude Oestges is Associate Professor with the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (Université catholique de Louvain). His research interests cover wireless and satellite communications, with a specific focus on channel characterization and modeling. He is the author or co-author of two books and more than 170 scientific papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
This book has it all
By jlb
This book is an excellent reference for MIMO wireless communications. The authors assume that the reader is already well-versed in the basics of communication theory and wireless channel modeling.

This book is a good mix of equations, graphs, and written descriptions. I found the written descriptions to be intuitive and well-worded.

Another excellent benefit of this book is its comprehensive list of references. Reference material is gratuitously cited throughout the book, allowing readers to easily search for more depth in specific areas of interest while keeping the book at a digestible length of ~750 pages.

This book contains substantial updates on the first edition. The final four chapters: "12. Multi-User MIMO", "13. Multi-Cell MIMO", "14. MIMO in LTE, LTE-Advanced, and WiMAX", and "15. MIMO-OFDMA System Level Evaluation" are brand new. There are also many updates and additions to the material covered in the first edition, too many to list.

Overall this is an excellent purchase if you want a comprehensive MIMO reference, and it is worth updating from the first edition if you are interested in any of the topics listed above.

See all 1 customer reviews...

MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno PDF
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MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno PDF

MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno PDF

MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno PDF
MIMO Wireless Networks, Second Edition: Channels, Techniques and Standards for Multi-Antenna, Multi-User and Multi-Cell Systems, by Bruno PDF

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

[E236.Ebook] Ebook Picasso's Trousers, by Nicholas Allan

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Picasso's Trousers, by Nicholas Allan

A child-friendly picture book biography, featuring reproductions of Picasso masterpieces and a foldout representation of Picasso at work

People were always saying, "No! No! No! Picasso!"
But Picasso said . . . "Yes!"

In this funny and accessible introduction to Picasso and art, children learn that daring to be different can be rewarding. Picasso doesn't listen when people tell him "No!" Instead, he paints all-blue pictures, all-pink pictures, plus pictures from the front and side all at the same time. He makes art out of bike parts and he can draw pictures in less than 60 seconds. Soon he becomes one of the greatest painters in the world, but he still wants to be different.

  • Sales Rank: #333758 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-06-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.20" h x .20" w x 8.30" l, .39 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 32 pages

From School Library Journal
Gr 1-3–Allan touches on Picasso's life and provides a succinct look at his artistic style. He describes the artist's blue period, his approach to capturing human faces, his use of bike parts to create art, and his emphasis on heaviness. The intriguing title does not fully reflect the content; Picasso's humorous quest for striped trousers does not receive attention until the last third of the story. Wanting to be the best-dressed painter, he searched for pants to match his striped shirt. The illustrations have a painterly quality. Reproductions of Picasso's art are also included; some examples contain nudity. The font, which looks like handwriting, uses uppercase letters to draw attention to selected words and phrases in a manner that can sometimes be distracting. A foldout displaying young Picasso at work in his studio appears early on while a flap at the end reveals the artist's striped underwear and socks. Large black arrows in the illustrations of his trouser choices show the direction of the stripes. This book is much broader in coverage than Mil Niepold and Jeanyves Verdu's Oooh! Picasso (Tricycle, 2009). Libraries in which more materials on Picasso are needed will find this unusual biography helpful.–Lynn Vanca, Freelance Librarian, Akron, OHα(c) Copyright 2013. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

"Allan’s paintings teem with an energy to match that of the artist. . . .A lively portrait of a singularly dedicated artist." —Publishers Weekly

"Libraries in which more materials on Picasso are needed will find this unusual biography helpful." —School Library Journal

About the Author
Nicholas Allan is the author of Heaven, The Queen's Knickers, and Where Willy Went.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful start to an interest in art
By Mindy
I bought this while traveling in Hong Kong but am so excited to see it available here too so I can share and recommend it to friends in the US. Fun story about Picasso and basic introduction to some of his work and style. Written in a way that is entertaining to a child. I read it to my 2 year old and he loves it and requests it regularly. Wonderful way to spark an interest in art and art history for a little one. Wish he wrote this same style for other artists.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great Picasso intro for preschoolers
By Anne Boynton
This is a delightful option for introducing Picasso to preschoolers. Very short text, lots of examples of Picasso work in a wide range styles. But what makes it emotionally relevant to young children is Picasso saying YES (to fun creative ideas) when "everyone else" says "no no no Picasso!" Every 3 and 4 year old can relate to grown ups setting limits, and the joy of finding ways to move beyond those limits. There is even a bit of underwear humor.

I'm surprised to see this labeled for early elementary. It's pretty short -- I think a better fit for preschool.

I think it's great as art education -- but won't give it 5 stars because ultimately it still reads like "education". My 3 yr old listens attentively when I pick it, but it's not one she gravitates towards on her own.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Finally, a yang to Mary Mary Quite Contrary's yin!
By Emi Bevacqua
This came so highly recommended to us from Rosie in London that we imported a copy of our own when we weren't able to find it through the library. And it was totally worth it!

Pablo Picasso's spirit and art are presented here in a super fun format, capitalizing on the thrilling chorus, "No! No! No! Picasso!". For American readers, please note on the last page (4th line up from the bottom) that "pants" in the UK means "underpants" to us.

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Picasso's Trousers, by Nicholas Allan PDF

Picasso's Trousers, by Nicholas Allan PDF
Picasso's Trousers, by Nicholas Allan PDF

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

[H713.Ebook] Download The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2 (revised edition) (Numismatic Notes and Monographs (ANSNNM)) (Pt. 1 & 2), by Sydney P. Noe

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The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2 (revised edition) (Numismatic Notes and Monographs (ANSNNM)) (Pt. 1 & 2), by Sydney P. Noe

A complete catalogue along with historical background and survey of the coinage of Metapontum. Includes numerous plates, and notes.

  • Sales Rank: #4674352 in Books
  • Published on: 1984-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 129 pages

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The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2 (revised edition) (Numismatic Notes and Monographs (ANSNNM)) (Pt. 1 & 2), by Sydney P. Noe PDF

The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2 (revised edition) (Numismatic Notes and Monographs (ANSNNM)) (Pt. 1 & 2), by Sydney P. Noe PDF
The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2 (revised edition) (Numismatic Notes and Monographs (ANSNNM)) (Pt. 1 & 2), by Sydney P. Noe PDF

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

[T872.Ebook] Free PDF From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler

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From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler

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From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler

Infopreneurs sell valuable information online in the form of books, e-books, special reports, audio and video products, seminars, and other media. This definitive guide will show how to master the tools and tactics of the most successful infopreneurs, so you can succeed at producing, marketing, selling, and automating delivery of information products online. This guide comes complete with interviews of successful infopreneurs.

  • Sales Rank: #1079956 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2007-07-27
  • Released on: 2007-07-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover
Become an infopreneur—and be your own boss!

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur shows you how to make the jump to infopreneur so that you can cash in on the exploding new online information market. This one-of-a-kind guide to infopreneurship provides the tips and tactics you need to succeed and walks you through the steps to start earning money almost immediately, including:

  • Becoming an expert in your chosen field
  • Developing valuable information products at little cost to you
  • Building your e-commerce Web site
  • Marketing your information products to customers
  • Building a healthy, consistent cash flow

Each chapter concludes with a profile of a successful infopreneur, including Joe Vitale, Dan Poynter, Dottie Walters, Tom Antion, and more.

"Chandler knows how to take action and make ideas a reality! The practical steps and outstanding resources she shares will enhance anyone's business and their lives. Whether you are investigating the possibilities or are ready to create new income generating opportunities, From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur provides a practical road map to creating products that will enable you to succeed with ease."
—Romanus Wolter, "The Kick Start Guy," www.KickStartGuy.com, author of Kick Start Your Success

"Chandler covers all the bases. She asks all the right questions then supplies all the right answers in her astonishingly comprehensive and very timely book. It's loaded with valuable life-changing information—and it's fun to read, too."
—Jay Conrad Levinson, the "Father of Guerrilla Marketing" bestselling author of the Guerilla Marketing series of books, www.gmarketing.com

"From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur inspires and educates us, in an attention-grabbing, all-inclusive format, to take our information and prosper from it not only personally, but also professionally and financially as 'infopreneurs.'"
—Stacy Henderson, Editor in Chief of Home Business Magazine

About the Author
Stephanie Chandler is the small business advisor for AllExperts.com, an instructor for Small Biz Boot Camp, and both a judge and conference speaker for Small Biz Games. Her articles on small business and entrepreneurship have appeared in numerous publications, and she is the author of The Business Startup Checklist and Planning Guide.

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Complete Guide - Excellent resource
By John Chancellor
From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur is a wonderful resource for anyone who sees the value in creating a passive income source from their current area of expertise - either hobby or profession. If you don't understand or see the value in becoming an Infopreneur, then this book is definitely for you.

The book is well written, organized and full of valuable information. It offers an easy to understand, step-by-step guide for the entrepreneur to transform their business and become an information marketer.

It is very easy for the entrepreneur to under estimate the market potential for their knowledge. Stephanie does an excellent job of illustrating how to take the knowledge we have acquired and to package it into a valuable product that can generate income on a passive basis. The internet has made it possible - actually easy - for anyone to package and sell their knowledge worldwide.

While it is often referred to as passive income, Stephanie is quick to point out that creating an informational product is simply the first step. If you are not willing to actively market your product/idea then you will have wasted a lot of time and energy in creating it. The income might be passive but there is this huge need for very active marketing. But do not despair. All the steps and instructions for effective marketing are in the book.

The book is full of hints, helpful tips and resources. I had read less than 30 pages when I was given a suggestion that made me put the book down and implement it. There are literally hundreds of helpful website addresses in the book. In addition there are profiles of successful infopreneurs, explaining what they do and how they did it.

One other extremely valuable lesson that is hammered home throughout the book is the value of becoming a recognized expert in your field. There is nothing like publishing book(s), articles, special reports, etc, that will establish your credibility as an expert. This can dramatically increase your value and thus income from other sources.

The book has way too much information to absorb in just one reading. If you are serious about becoming an informational marketer, read it a couple of times and then use it as a handy reference. A great resource for those just starting out or the seasoned infopreneur.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A Worth-While Investment
By W. Terry Whalin
In the last few days, I completed reading Stephanie Chandler's excellent book, From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with books, E-Books and Information Products. She points to some different resources than I've used in the past and has solid information. I liked her focus as she says in the preface, "My goal is always to exceed my customer expectations and this strategy has served me well in every business endeavor." I identified with this goal because it's also been my intention as I've created products or magazine articles or my teaching at writers' conferences (like this coming week at the Florida Writers Association). It was good to read Chandler's line, "There is an eager market of buyers out there. My goal is to show you how to develop and market your own products. One of the greatest advantages of selling information products is that they can essentially become passive income--money you make while you sleep. Once the work is done and you've created a high-quality product, and you've automated the product sales and delivery process, your primary role will be to continue marketing your products. That's where the real fun begins."

Here's several basics that Chandler highlights for the reader saying, "There is no single secret to success, though there are many tips to help you along the way...

Everyone is an expert at something: Whatever your expertise, whether it's fly fishing, yoga, parenting, knitting, sales or customer service, you have something to teach others who know less than you do.

The Internet is a powerful venue for reaching customers: Learn to maximize your reach in order to run an efficient and profitable business.

Marketing is an investment in your business: Rare is the business that succeeds without marketing. Try a variety of strategies and repeat the ones that work best.

Don't be afraid to ask questions: Nobody has all the answers and most people are willing to help. Just ask!

Invest in other people's information products: Not only will you have the chance to learn something new, but you can evaluate the content and begin to understand the formula for success. It's also good karma to support people whose work you admire.

Persevere: My favorite word in the English language. There will be days when you feel as if you are spinning your wheels for nothing. But eventually, with enough effort, something magical happens. It all starts to come together.

Never stop learning: I don't care what industry you are in. Things change. Rules change. People change. Stay on top of your area of expertise. Learn about new technology. Remember how much fun it can be to learn something new and how rewarding it is to succeed." (page xi to xii)

My reason for ranking this book at four stars instead of five relates to some of the choices for the Infopreneur Profiles scattered throughout the book. I'm personally familiar with a number of these people. In particular one of the people profiled (I'll not say which one here) isn't in what I would categorize as "successful." I'm on a large online group with this person who is regularly sending out "prayer" for financially related issues. This single choice made me question whether Chandler prodded with enough questions when she selected these people to highlight. Yet even with this shortcoming, the information in this book is solid and I recommend From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur. Read it and you will be sure to learn something.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Best Book I've Read All Year! (And I read TON of Books)
By Patrick Cash
Every year I go through about 200 books not to mention audio CD's and DVD's I watch on marketing, sales, motivation, getting things done and more.
This book had some ideas I had never thought of or heard. (And no, I'm not new to this.)

I was really surprised when I got it. From the other reviews, I expected a good book, but it was way better than what I expected.

The profiles of people who have "been there done that" were great.
I love reading things like that as I suspect a lot of people do.

Not only did the people who have been successful give a profile of what they've done and more, they even gave step by step of how they did a lot of it.

In addition to the profiles and great tips, there are tons of helpful resources in the book. Pretty much covering all aspects of selling info products in all formats. (Ebooks, printed books, videos, audio CD's, and tons more)

The people who gave it two stars either can't read or didn't get it.
(To be fair to them, there aren't a lot of pictures in the book so maybe that's what made it harder for them to understand)


See all 56 customer reviews...

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler PDF
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From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler PDF

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler PDF

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler PDF
From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products, by Stephanie Chandler PDF

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

[R635.Ebook] Free PDF Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn

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Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn

Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn

Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn

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Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn

Khedive Ismail's Army examines military failure in the age of imperialism.

On paper, the mid-nineteenth century Egyptian army seems a formidable regional power. It had a tradition of success, modern weapons, and mercenary officers with experience in major wars. Egypt's ruler, Khedive Ismail, hoped to combine the imported technology and brains with native manpower, and establish an Egyptian dominated Horn of Africa. His soldiers did conquer parts of the Sudan, but they suffered disastrous defeats during the Egyptian Abyssinian War of 1875 to 1876.

Presenting the first detailed examination of the Egyptian Abyssinian War in English, this new book also looks at the root problems that made Ismail's soldiers ineffective. These include issues of class, racism, internal, and external politics, finance, and the rapidly changing world of mid-Nineteenth Century military technology. This book is aimed at military historians, and will be of interest to those studying the Middle East or North East Africa.

  • Sales Rank: #4205799 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Routledge
  • Published on: 2013-09-27
  • Released on: 2013-10-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .60" w x 6.14" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 264 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"Dunn does an excellent job explaining complex and even contradictory cultural, political, and military institutions in Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and adjacent areas. His accounts of military campaigns and battles are clear, and he introduces the reader to some interesting characters along the way, including a number of American Civil War veterans, from both North and South, and several local leaders such as the Emperors Tewodros and Yohannis of Abyssinia, and even a look at the early career of the great Menelik." - Albert Nofi, The NYMAS Review

About the Author
John P. Dunn is an Assistant Professor of History at Valdosta State University, Georgia, USA. He studies military affairs in nineteenth century Egypt, Poland and China. His work has appeared in The Journal of Military History, War in History, and The Journal of Slavic Military Affairs.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
An Impressive Retelling of Ismail's Military Failures
By B. Smith
John Dunn's book fills an unfortunate gap - few English-language studies have been published regarding late 19th century Egyptian military history.

The author begins by revisiting some of Egypt's military achievements in the mid-1800s, most of which took place under the leadership of esteemed ruler Muhammad Ali. Ali's formidable military leadership coupled with changes such as increased manpower and the use of battle-hardened foreign mercenaries led to impressive Egyptian victories in the Sudan, Greece, Arabia, Syria, and Anatolia, and the establishment of a large (if short-lived) empire.

Contrast these successes with Dunn's primary topic of interest: the military failures that marked the 16-year reign (1863 to 1879) of Ali's grandson, Isma'il. Inspired by Ali's example, the ambitious yet flawed Isma'il endeavored to reestablish Egypt as a regional power in northwest Africa and continue the country's modernization.

His incompetent leadership, however, hamstrung those ambitions. Though a cunning politician and skillful diplomat, Khedive Isma'il tended to make poor strategic and personnel decisions, thus striking a blow to army morale from which it would never recover. In addition, a variety of broader political and economic forces beyond his control conspired against him. For example, the US Civil War allowed Egypt to monopolize the cotton export market and Ismail to increase spending. With the end of the War however, cotton prices plummeted, leading to massive public debt and the need to secure (predatory) loans from European banks, which only worsened the financial crisis.

In the end, Ismail's mismanagement led to his abdication and hastened British occupation of Egypt that would continue for the next half century.

Dunn's descriptions of the military debacles in Abyssinia are especially detailed and interesting. Despite a massive advantage in firepower, Ismail's ambitions in the Horn of Africa were doomed by internal tensions within the army's leadership, poor tactical decisions, and the brilliant leadership of Abyssinian leader Yohannis. While the entire book is strong, these final few chapters are surely its highlight.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Mercenaries in the Horn of Africa - 1870s-style
By Witkor Dingo
Khedive Ismail's Army examines military failure in the age of age of Imperialism. On paper the mid-nineteenth century Egyptian army seems a formidable regional power. It had a tradition of success, modern weapons, and mercenary officers with experience in major wars. Egypt's ruler, Khedive Ismail, hoped to combine the imported technology and brains with native manpower, and establish an Egyptian dominated Horn of Africa. His soldiers did conquer parts of the Sudan, but they suffered disastrous defeats during the Egyptian-Abyssinian War of 1875-1876.

Although Khedive Ismail's Army provides the first detailed examination of the Egyptian-Abyssinian War in English, it also looks at the root problems that made Ismail's soldiers ineffective. These include issues of class, racism, internal, and external politics, finance, and the rapidly changing world of mid-Nineteenth Century military technology. This book is aimed at military historians, and would also be of interest to those studying the Middle East, North East Africa, Egypt, the Sudan, or Ethiopia.

(Please note that I am the author of this plug. It was suppossed to go up top, but after five months of no response from Amazon.com, figured if I don't say, this book won't play.)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A military history of Egypt in the era of Ismail Pasha (1863-1879).
By A. A. Nofi
A summary of the review on StrategyPage.Com:

'The political and military reforms introduced by Mohammed Ali from 1805 to 1848, turned Egypt into a major player in the Middle East, with efficient armed forces and an empire that for a time reached into Asia, the Sudan, and the Horn of Africa. In this account the Egyptian armed forces and military policy in the era of Mohammed Ali's grandson, Ismail, Prof. Dunn (Valdosta State) devotes four of his fifteen chapters to the 50 years preceding Ismail’s accession to examine the reforms and operations that saw Egyptian troops campaigning in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Sudan, and even Mexico. He then spends three chapters on military policy and organization, efforts to develop a domestic munitions industry, and the complex relationship between the Khedive and the Sultan. Dunn then addresses Egyptian expansion into the Sudan in one chapter. This led almost inevitably to a clash with Abyssinia (1873-1876), a protracted encounter that takes up the bulk of the book, and resulted in defeat and Ismail’s deposition. Dunn does an excellent job explaining complex and even contradictory cultural, political, and military institutions, and notable individuals in Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and adjacent areas, making his account more readily understandable to readers who are likely to be unfamiliar with the region. This is an excellent discussion of how Egypt almost managed to turn itself into a modern military power, and why it failed.'

For the full review, see StrategyPage.Com.

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Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn PDF

Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn PDF
Khedive Ismail's Army (Cass Military Studies), by John P. Dunn PDF

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

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Forecasting Methods and Applications, by Steven C Wheelwright

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Forecasting Methods and Applications, by Steven C Wheelwright

Forecasting refers to a series of events, using which one can infer the accurate outcomes of the future that are yet to be determined. With a new approach to the basic concepts of exact forecasting, Forecasting Methods And Applications is a book that comprehends modern approaches adapted by administrators to determine the future..

  • Sales Rank: #86244 in Books
  • Published on: 2008
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, 1.83 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Great reference book!
By Mauricio
I've been in the field for a few years now and I finally found a book that explains and summarizes the forecasting theory so good. This is my reference book now. I use it to teach my engineers in the subject and for personal reference as well. It provides new information that wasn't available 10 years ago. The explanaitions are good and the examples clear.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
This book has the formulas.
By tones15327
Chapters 3 and 4, and on covered the vital information that is useful for inventory system forecasting at the SKU level, and for measuring the accuracy of the forecasts. This book was extremely helpful in that regard. Highly recommended.

1 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Mildly helpful
By cititor
If you need advanced Forecasting Methods and like the thick mathematical language of typical textbooks, this is for you.

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Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

[K447.Ebook] Get Free Ebook The Story of Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin, by Frances M. Perry

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The Story of Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin, by Frances M. Perry

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The Story of Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin, by Frances M. Perry

Originally published in 1901 as a portion of the author’s larger “Four American Inventors: A Book for Young Americans,” and equivalent in length to a physical book of approximately 60 pages, this Kindle edition describes, in simple language for young readers, the life and work of the man who invented the cotton gin, which automated the removal of seeds from raw cotton.


I. Childhood
II. Youth
III. At Yale
IV. In Georgia
V. The Opportunity
VI. Making the Cotton Gin
VII. Great Expectations
VIII. Misfortunes
IX. In the Courts
X. Making Arms
XI. Last Years

Sample passage:
His idea was to mount a cylinder on a strong frame, so that it could be turned by hand, or by horse or water power. The cylinder was to be provided with rows of teeth, which passed through narrow openings in a curved plate or grating of metal. The rows of teeth, or circular saws, were to be about three fourths of an inch apart. The cotton was to be put into a box, or hopper, so that it rested against the grating through which the saw teeth protruded. When the cylinder was turned, its sharp teeth would catch the cotton and drag it through the grating, tearing it from the seeds and dropping it on the other side, soft and clean. The seeds, which had been left behind, would fall to the bottom of the hopper and pass out through an opening just large enough to let them pass. They would be uninjured by the process, and ready to be planted for another cotton crop.

Mr. Whitney worked rapidly in spite of many inconveniences. But when all was done except the cylinder, progress stopped for a time. His idea had been to make circular saws and mount them one after the other on the cylinder. To make them, he must have tin or steel plates. As he could not buy or make such plates, he was obliged to contrive some other way of making the teeth on the cylinder.

  • Sales Rank: #1038455 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-06-10
  • Released on: 2011-06-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good for research
By katie hayes
Great book! Great for my project! Wonderfully explained and helped me a lot. Goes over him very well and easy to cite.

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Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

[F149.Ebook] Free PDF Ceramic Processing, by Mohamed Rahaman, Mohamed N. Rahaman

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Ceramic Processing, by Mohamed Rahaman, Mohamed N. Rahaman

Materials scientists continue to develop stronger, more versatile ceramics for advanced technological applications, such as electronic components, fuel cells, engines, sensors, catalysts, superconductors, and space shuttles. From the start of the fabrication process to the final fabricated microstructure, Ceramic Processing covers all aspects of modern processing for polycrystalline ceramics.

Stemming from chapters in the author's bestselling text, Ceramic Processing and Sintering, this book gathers additional information selected from many sources and review articles in a single, well-researched resource. The author outlines the most commonly employed ceramic fabrication processes by the consolidation and sintering of powders. A systematic approach highlights the importance of each step as well as the interconnection between the various steps in the overall fabrication route. The in-depth treatment of production methods includes powder, colloidal, and sol-gel processing as well as chemical synthesis of powders, forming, sintering, and microstructure control. The book covers powder preparation and characterization, organic additives in ceramic processing, mixing and packing of particles, drying, and debinding. It also describes recent technologies such as the synthesis of nanoscale powders and solid freeform fabrication.

Ceramic Processing provides a thorough foundation and reference in the production of ceramic materials for advanced undergraduates and graduate students as well as professionals in corporate training or professional courses.

  • Sales Rank: #1494946 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: CRC Press
  • Published on: 2006-08-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.29" h x 1.24" w x 7.31" l, 2.31 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 473 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

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